Nobody Cares

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… as much as you do.


I’m not saying that no one gives a hooey about what you’re writing or have written.  Maybe you’re so blessed that the day you turned the knob and let yourself out of the writers closest your cheerleaders fell into formation, practiced and ready to spin a dozen perfect cartwheels of support over your heartfelt endeavors.  They bought your book, tooted your wordy genius to their circle of friends, posted on Facebook, tweeted from sea to shining sea.  Possibly even set your heart to singing by posting a review on Amazon and/or BN.  They told you how proud, excited, impressed, joyful they are over your accomplishment.  They begged for a sequel and your smile stretched so wide it nearly split the seams of your face from ear-to-ear.


You’ve worked hard.  Persevered across the fiery coals of doubt, rejection, and uncertainty regardless of  how much it never failed to sometimes hurt.  You’ve paid your dues and can at long last bask in the radiant light of an accomplished dream. It feels good.  Because it should.


Whether it be weeks or months later, the thing is, it does happen.  Readers read … and then they move on. Readers have an appetite that requires constant care and feeding of good books, not just one book.  Yes, they read and thoroughly loved your book.  But now the marching band has turned the corner and your personal parade has dispersed to return to their own lives. But this writing gig is your real life and you’re still here. Alone.


It’s something beyond wonderful when people care about your creations.  When they take time to share your passion and connect with your characters and stories.  And although none of that stuff is why we write, it puts an extra special spring in our step and twinkle in our eye. Until they leave. Pack up their pom poms and return to whatever they’ve temporarily set aside.  Leaving you to sweep up the confetti in a suddenly empty room.


And here you are. No less passionate, still eyeball deep and consumed with all you’ve created. You haven’t finished talking about your characters lives, thinking, wondering, obsessing about them.  Worrying they have no friends on the playground and nobody has invited them to sit at their lunch table.


Not really. Just the facts.  No One Cares … as much as You Do. Just because you’ve written a book doesn’t mean people are going to want to read it. And even if they do, their potential love for your work will never surpass your own and you shouldn’t expect it


Be gracious and appreciative of well wishes and enthusiastic readers.  Just keep in mind, when the final cork is popped and the lights go out, it’s still your baby. You brought it into the world and you’re responsible for future nurturing and midnight feeding.

Are you expecting too much from your readers?  How difficult, or potentially painful, do you find it to draw the shades on your party and wave goodnight to your guests?

Jeezaloo–fingers crossed that someone really does care that my baby number two, “Asleep Without Dreaming,” is due for release in 7 days  😀

25 thoughts on “Nobody Cares

  1. Fantastic post, Barbara. I’ve been thinking on similar lines myself with two books to promote. People are busy and new books come out every day. I watxh in admiration how Sheri Larsen is so fantastic at rounding the troops. She has an enormous blogfest on right now for landing an agent. Watching and learning.

    • This promotion stuff is certainly tricky, for what is more or less an honest goal: share your book news, hope it strikes a cord, get out of the way to avoid being obnoxious. And of course, each of there objectives is generally strung together with hope, angst, and expectation …

      All the best with your promotions, Catherine. I will be keeping an eye out for your two books 😀

      And thanks for the heads-up about Sheri Larsen. I’ll want to watch and learn myself.

  2. Barbara, Just finished reading The Secret of Lies on my Kindle and loved it. I got hooked on the first page and got very annoyed when I had to stop reading to do something else necessary to do at the time. Then once I got back to it, I could not put it down. Very powerful story with deep insights into human nature and life’s tragedies. Now I want to read Asleep Without Dreaming. I love being able to read two books by the same author back-to-back.
    Liked this post, too. Can’t wait to share both of these books at my book club.

    • Thank you, thank you, Janice for this most extraordinary gift! Your truly lovely comment has my heart singing and my head scrambling to find adequate words to express my appreciation. Not only for taking the time to read my books, but for sharing your thoughts in a way I’m not likely to soon forget.

      Most sincerely I thank your for coming to my party and staying late:-D

  3. Such truth and honesty in this touching post. I haven’t published my baby yet, but your words rang so true to my internal emotional state that I couldn’t help but relate. I have your first book on my kindle awaiting its turn (I’m still working on the 836 page book about Benedict’s current drama series, Parade’s End – about 1/2 way through and enjoying but boy it’s a long one). And as soon as your second comes out, I’ll be snapping that up. Given the lyrical nature of your posts, I know I’m in for a treat in your books. Pass the wine and party on!

    • Lol, 836 pages!!! Now that’s TRUE love! (Hello, Benedict, are you reading this? Without question, delicate blooms and fine chocolates are in order! This is no ordinary devotion, sir!)

      Composing this post I had concerns that it would sound whiny or mean-spirited,and that is miles away from my intent. It is much more about recognizing and accepting what this strange writing life entails. Because no matter how we slice it, dice it, serve it up on paper plates or fine china, we do it because we can’t imagine not .

      I neither exaggerate nor flatter when I say in all truth that your comments are never less than remarkable and altogether giddy-goose-bump inducing. It thrills me no end to think of my books patiently waiting in line on your kindle and I sincerely thank you for letting them stand around with Parade’s End. And I absolutely look forward to getting dolled-up for your party when your WIP is ready to make an appearance.

  4. Hard, but true. I’m learning to think of the positive reviews and the cheering as the extras, like the whipped cream and cherry on the dessert. The actual writing is more like the ice cream itself.

    Oh, man. My own metaphor just made me hungry….

  5. A wonderful post Barbara, thank you. It brings home to me (again) what an important role we readers have in this new paradigm, not only to tweet and review but to follow and seek out what our favourite authors are up to. Once I would have known when to start haunting the bookshop because a book was due for release – now the relationship can be two-way and much more intimate if we take the time to care and not just consume.

    • Thank you, thank you, Margaret! I love and so appreciate your vision through a reader’s eyes. As writers we surely have an idea of what we set ourselves to accomplish in the creation of our books, but the reader is oh-so-essential in taking the baton and running the reminder of the marathon. So very happy you’re out there writing AND running 😀

  6. How much did I love this blog? Ask Amazon. I immediately bought your novel, The Secret of Lies. Anyone who can write so candidly and use such agonizingly beautiful metaphors is a writer I want to read as well as know. *Raising champagne glass* Here’s to a long time in the same parade, Barbara!

    • Oh, Jodi, but where do I even begin … I am thankful. Yes. Deeply touched. Yes. Wildly appreciative and definitely exhilarated. Yes, yes. But most profoundly is the sense of lost words. Because, incredibly, in the writerly place we dwell–A place where words are everything, in that they are necessary to convey absolutely everything–I can’t seem to find a single line that might fully express my appreciation. But I thank you, most sincerely. *Topping our glasses* Onward we go, Jodi! Until the Saints Come Marching In!

  7. What? you mean – I won’t be loved and admired forever and ever and ever – NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! *sob*

    Well, dangity.


    I can’t wait to read your new book . . .

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