Balloon manSISSSSSsssss, BOOM…blah?

It’s a bit of a pickle, this “MY BOOK HAS ARRIVED” business. No, I don’t mean the thrill of arrival, joyful elation, or the supreme sense of  ‘I love my pages till the end of time and beyond.’ That part is the real deal and most writers I know have a certain brand of super human diligence when it comes to carrying the torch solo across vats of bubbling lava if that’s what feels necessary to reach the reading masses. Hence SISSSSsssss BOOM over-the-moon euphoria.


That’s when the generally mild-mannered, attempting to be courteous author, begins to worry that their potentially overzealous hoopla and carrying-on will eventually have the entire width and breadth of cyberspace drawing its collective shade, barring doors and windows against  the runabout court jester lunatic marauder chiming an endless chant of  MY BOOK, MY BOOK, YOUR KINGDOM FOR MY BOOK.

In The Beginning There Was A Page

Some writers can grow a book in weeks, months, a year or two, or if you’re me, years plus a bazillion. When it comes to writing, I’m the tortoise  not the hare. The jalopy not the roadster. In the time it takes my rough drafts to morph into a finished book, entire galaxies have vanished into black holes, nations crumbled,  certain snack cakes become extinct … It’s the sort of Rip Van Winkle effect that makes me especially prone to feelings of HAPPY, HAPPY, JOY JOY … THE HILLS ARE ALIVE … CLIMB EVERY MOUNTAIN … DOE RAE MEEEEEE, once the cover is on the book and all becomes right with the world.

But Wait! This Isn’t The End, It’s The Beginning

Release day. TODAY! This very instant. Crack of dawn until the pumpkin pulls up at the curb a second past midnight.And so starts my party. Where I fill the room with balloons, announce the grand arrival of my third novel, and pass around the entirely fat free virtual cake. And hopefully, just hopefully you won’t leave feeling as if you’ve been violently slammed by a freight train–but rather, the hapless victim of a hit and run driver that leaves you slightly dazed, a little foggy, yet mildly bruised wholly uninjured.

Just One Last Thing

On the chance you’re ever forced to pick it out of a lineup, this is my book:


And this is what it’s about:

She considers telling him the truth—that she isn’t the person he thinks she is—but in the end she doesn’t. To say something is to potentially say everything. And it is simply too late… The emotionally fractured casualty of a hideous childhood tragedy, Catherine has at last found her happy-ever-after in the person of Grayson Barnett, and it is the promise of a freshly polished future that compels her to bury the poisonous trail of her past beneath the purposeful lies and omissions she offers her new husband. But now, with the inherent shame of her traumatic history secreted away and losing hold, Cat finds herself increasingly troubled as Gray falls into an erratic pattern of late night wanderings through the house, painting the bare walls with extravagant murals. And only when the unthinkable happens—a devastating blow which leaves her broken and spiraling—and an unexpected arrival on her doorstep, bearing a cache of impossible revelations—is Cat forced to question whether the man she so desperately loves is in truth a stranger and their beautiful life a gross falsehood constructed upon a foundation of lies.

That’s it. I’m leaving now. *Walks away. Stops. Turns. Glances back.” You know, those dancing shoes sure look good on you. Hope you don’t go dashing off before taking a spin around my dance floor.  Shots are on the house 😀



Sitting pretty on Amazon:


10 thoughts on “IT’S MY PARTY!!!

  1. Release Day! Yay! I have posted this wonderful novel on Twitter, Google+, FB, Fan Page, Goodreads. I also put a brief review on Amazon (from a previous blog post I did). I wish you every success, Barbara! You deserve it!

    • Hey Karen! You are hands down the coolest, kindest, wisest, shark I know. (Okay, so the only shark I know, but that doesn’t take away from the coolest, kindest, wisest, badge you’re wearing!)

      It wouldn’t be a party without you, and in so many ways you’ve put the cherry on the cake. I thank you sincerely and profusely for sharing my joy, tweaking my pages (aka, scissoring out the ugly), and dropping the seeds to grow a friendship 😀

      And many thanks for your lovely review. My page over there on Amazon is looking so much prettier!

  2. Your approach to writing, whether it’s a blog or a novel, truly fascinates me. You are unique, Miss Barbara! I wish you every success with “Painted From Memories.” I pledge to read it this year, which sounds awful, but is really a huge thing in my currently turbulent world. I know it will be one of my best reads of the year!!

    • OhMiGosh, Jodi! You are simply the sweetest little peach in the orchard 😀 And it’s been a long time in coming–but I officially present you with the well-deserved WANA trophy for “Kindness to Classmates!”

      This has been such a wildly fun and festive day and you have definitely put an extra shine on my dancing shoes. Thank you most sincerely.

      Shoot, and I hereby pledge to catch-up with my “Silki” reading, as I’m longgggg overdue for book two: Canyon of Doom.

      Cheers, my friend 😀 Here’s to summer reading!

    • Hey Liv! It’s lovely having you come by for my celebration. I worry about losing touch with my fellow WANA alumni, so it’s especially nice to catch up a little here and there in the midst of our constantly scribbly lives 😀

      Warmest appreciation for your good wishes!

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