Brain Scribbles

I’ve Been Thinking…

Yes indeed, I have. And so have you. The brain is a magnificent machine, isn’t it? Always at work, never taking a break (and THANK GOD for that!) even when we lower the volume and usher in the Sandman for sleep, the gears continue to squeak and grind.


Just What Are You Thinking

Whether you add a Question or Exclamation to the end of that sentence doesn’t matter as much as the fact that you are–thinking, that is. Despite Urban Myth or nasty accusation, there’s no one out there with an empty head. And it’s more than a little curious to consider the bizarrely disjointed, oftentimes pointless thoughts jockeying for attention at any given moment. (For Pete’s sakes–a little quiet in there please! Some of us are trying to sleep!)

It’s A Fair Amount of Nonsence Not All Rocket Science

In fact, no Rocket Science whatsoever has been used in the creation of this blog post.

Thoughts of My Own Scribbling Brain–(Subject to Change at a Moments Notice):

*Sometimes it feels good to be a little sad. Maybe it’s nature’s way of assuring love and beauty are more recognizable when they come.

*Choosing the words to make perfect sentences shouldn’t be so hard.

*Saying the right thing at the right time shouldn’t be so hard.

*Doing things the right way without leaving behind a pile of smoking debris shouldn’t be so hard.

*Ha ha! I actually live next-door to a GENUINE Rocket Scientist.

*How is a survey accurate when no one asked MY opinion or even the opinions of anyone I know? Where do these average people come from?

*Oh crap, do these Pajamas really make my butt look THAT big?

*Reaches For Mute Button*

Ah hem, so, peeling back your own scalp and bone and having a look inside your chrome dome, what’r’ya thinking? Right now, at this very moment, without over-thinking what your thinking–one, two, three–fire away! Share your thoughts please. We’re all ears [connected to heads with brains.] 😀